Sunday, May 2, 2010

Would you like to donate your change to Literacy today?

I know you hate it, and I hate it too, but part of my job is to ask for donations for literacy. If you haven't guessed yet, I am a cashier at Dollar General. Tonight at work, this got me thinking!

My life would be completely different if I didn't have the ability to read. The Literacy fund that Dollar General collects for, goes to our local community to help not only children, but adults with reading disabilities. Many people get very angry when you ask them to donate their hard-earned change, but do they realize how much this could change someone's life?

I have learned so much just simply by reading a book. Books come in many different forms. One of my grandma's favorite books that you can find all over her house is indeed a cook book. My grandma loves to cook. I can't imagine Thanksgiving without grandma's famous macaroni and cheese. The recipe which she found reading through a cook book.

Are you guys catching on to this? Imagine what your life would be like if you didn't have the ability to do something that we take for granted every single day of our lives. We definitely wouldn't be able to have class online! Wouldn't be able to drive because you couldn't pass the written drivers test. There are so many things that take the ability to read that we don't notice simply because we are able to.

So the moral of the post is infact, don't yell at me when I am asking you to donate to the Literacy fund. For one, it's part of my job- we are only asking of small change donations that can forever change the lives of people in your own community!


  1. What a wonderful post! I think of the teaching that I have learned in letting crumbs fall. It is a religious teaching and applicable in so many ways. When one lets crumbs fall, Our Heavenly Father will let crumbs fall to the doer of the deed. When you feed someone, it comes back to you. Whatsoever ye do to the least of my people, that you do unto me. One reaps what they they sow. How many ways can this be applied. By aiding another, they are then able to aid someone else. This continues and continues. It is like Amish Friendship bread. You take a part of the batter, add to it, divide it, bake part of it and pass the dough with a loaf of bread along. It keeps going and going, much like the story of the fish and loaves. So let your light so shine before men that they may seen the good in you and give glory to God. Thank you for sharing and be not discouraged. You are doing a wonderful deed!

  2. Right on!!! Literacy is one very important obstacle that will hold people down if skills are not provided for them to understand. Some people feel so embarrassed and are not willing to let anyone know they do not know how to read. Reading can be entertaining and yet important enough to save our lives, especially if a pill bottle is involved or direction of traffic. It is true being able to read is of the utmost importance for people. Do not feel bad about asking for money because people really do need to learn how to read, just keep on smiling and doing your job. You are making a big difference in someone's life somewhere!!!! =)

  3. I really enjoyed this post! My grandfather, who unfortunatly passed away ten years before I was born, was unable to read or write. He made it through life without being able to do anything exceptional, but it was typical for boys of his time to not finish school. They had to help out on the farms, and it wasn't believe they would ever really need a formal education. My mom has told me so many stories of her dad. He had a job, I believe at a bank! He had a wife (who was an oldmaid when he married her, and was even a year older than him)and together they had 5 children. People could squeek through life before, now I just can not imagine not being able to read and write. I can not imagine just squeeking through life either. I feel my life is much more rounded with readings. I would not be offended to give money to a great cause like this when i have money on me!

  4. Wow! I really loved this post! I can't even beleive you hate to read. You are a natural spokesmen for reasons to read. I can't even imagine not being able to read. Call me a nerd but, one of my favorite parts of my day is curling up with a book before bed. This class has opened my eyes to so many different perpectives in reading. Knowing and being able to point out symbolism makes the story that much more interesting. It has really made me see the world through different eyes.
    I feel very accomplished taking this class, it has been a long time since my brain has been so stimulated. By the way I don't think i will ever be able to not put my change in the literacy fund now.
