Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Mrs. Siemens is MAKING me do this..:)

I will admit, I have kept a journal since I was very young. (Can I even say this since I am only 21?) I think it makes me feel better about life. It eases my mind if nothing else. I don't see how blogging is going to be much different than that- except for the single fact that EVERYONE in my class is going to be able to access it. (Don't worry, I won't be talking about my private life on here!)

I'm hoping the blogging experience turns into a good one. I have already shared a few concerns with Mrs. S. about this! What am I supposed to write about? I don't do my homework until Friday night- I'm a procrastinator. Can I write about that? Mrs. S. is well aware of my bad habits, but she waits up until midnight every Friday to grade my homework that comes in just short of 11:59! She loves it!

I cannot wait to read everyone else's blogs. I hope everyone else is as nervous about this as I am. Mrs. Siemens is always trying to add to my work list. One thing is for sure, she is making me earn my degree. Nothing has ever been handed to me in her class. That's what makes her a great teacher!


  1. Hi PODBlogger....which of our classmates are you? lol. Nice start and really cool design on the blog. Since you journal, this won't be hard at all to do for you. Mine tends to be a stream of consciousness at times but that seems to be ok too.

  2. I am jealous! I have tried to journal my whole life. I have about 80 random books with the first 5 pages filled. I started in cheap 3 ring binders. After failing to keep up I convinced myself it was because of the notebook. I tried getting really cute leather bound ones, only to find myself not keeping up with them again. Finally I have given up. If only my sister would write down my daily woes verbatim for me since I call her religiously every night and tell her all about my day...

    I feel your pain as well. As you can see by my pretty empty blog I am a procrastinator as well. Not normally this bad, but this has been one tough semester for me. I would go further, but that would be revealing my private life to the world of the internet which is something, I too, will avoid.
