Friday, April 23, 2010

Joy Luck Club

I am finding it rather hard to get into reading the Joy Luck Club. I hope that I am not the only one that is having this problem! YES MRS. SIEMENS, I have actually started reading. I was thinking that the assignments for Joy Luck Club was due tonight at Midnight- but when I got on earlier today to start reading through my assignments [because I am a huge procrastinator] and saw in bold print that the assignments are not actually due until NEXT Friday. I guess that means I have a whole week to go before I have to read through my assignments again!

I read through the first "Chapter" is it called of Joy Luck Club. I read through it early this morning and at this time at night cannot really remember the great details about what I read. I remember some weird names being read. Haha! I also remember it being sad about how the women were treated in the stories. They were walked on and they were taught that they shouldn't ever have feelings or ask questions, they were to do what they were told and that was it. I don't believe women should ever be treated that way. I am pro-woman!

I will be posting more as I am getting more and more into the reading of the stories.

Hope everyone is doing well!

1 comment:

  1. I would have to agree with you on the whole procrastinating thing..I find myself always waiting til the absolute last minute, having wasted the previous week just thinking about how I really need to get it done. The Joy Luck Club (or JLC, as I like to call it :) gets more interesting, but I found it hard to keep the women straight for awhile, and I really found the page in the front of the book that explains who's mother/daughter very helpful. I remember reading this as a teen, but my mind retains nothing after I'm finished with it, so this book has been like brand new to me. Hope you enjoy JLC once you get a little further along.
