Saturday, April 24, 2010

..One very busy day!

Hello everyone! Hope everyone had a good rainy day. It's a great day to go shopping! Today was the big March of Dimes walk in Lafayette. It's a great cause! My nephew was born at 25 weeks and was a very tiny 2 lb 1 oz. So, we walked in support of him. Thank goodness we did NOT get rained on. (And I ended up getting like 6 free t-shirts! Can't beat that!) It's a great time, I suggest everyone do it at least once in their life!

Still having the trouble with the Joy Luck Club. I actually did read through some more of it last night. Not much, I will admit. I was excited when I found out that the homework was not due until NEXT FRIDAY! Yay! I am having so many problems keeping the names straight and being able to pronounce them. I am giving them all "nicknames" that I would actually understand. Does anyone else do this? It becomes a game in a way- but it makes the story easier for me to understand when I don't have to spend extra time trying to figure out how to say a name from a different language!

I hope everyone is getting along with their blogs. I haven't taken the time to comment on anyone's blog yet. But, I am thinking about doing that tonight. I am curious to see how everyone else is doing and find out what everyone else is writing about and how well people are coming along with the Joy Luck Club!

Hope everyone is doing well!


  1. I am enjoying reading your blog, Angela! I too had trouble with the names. My favorite page in the entire book is the one that lists the names of the mothers and daughters. Now...just because the assignments are due until NEXT Friday doesn't mean that you can't work on them ahead of time. :)

  2. Hi Angela,
    I like the way you talk about te Joy Luck Club, it was a very interesting book to read. I had problems too with their names. But you should not wait until Friday night to finish it. You can enjoy it and remember all their names by the end of the week.

  3. I always find myself giving characters shorter nicknames (especially if i have no idea how to pronounce it, or i call them by their first initial) and the page at the front of the book is a lifesaver when it comes to trying to remember who's who..i got a huge chunk of the book read while at my son's baseball game (i figure if he's not actually batting or on the field at that moment, then it's free for me to sneak in some reading) Hope you get more into the book, i thought about watching the movie to see if it helped me to understand it better...but it's a pretty easy read..

  4. I, too, was glad for the extended due date. The pressure is on for handing in submissions and passing final projects and exams. I actually am glad for this being our final project. It is such a pleasure that it makes it a fun way to recall all that we have studied. It also encourages us to continue on our adventure in literature. I have to say my favorites are more in Victorian/Edwardian era. I also enjoy Colonial writings as well. Celtic stories are also a plus with me. Well, I guess that I have a wide selection, though, modern literature has never truly been seen as a leisure to me. It has been more of a must have, as we exist in today and must keep up. I did rather enjoy Stephen Spielberg's Pet Cemetery as my cat was exactly like the one selected-like a Nebelung, a German breed known for disappearing in the midst. It is so haunting. Good luck in accomplishing everything.
