Sunday, May 2, 2010

Would you like to donate your change to Literacy today?

I know you hate it, and I hate it too, but part of my job is to ask for donations for literacy. If you haven't guessed yet, I am a cashier at Dollar General. Tonight at work, this got me thinking!

My life would be completely different if I didn't have the ability to read. The Literacy fund that Dollar General collects for, goes to our local community to help not only children, but adults with reading disabilities. Many people get very angry when you ask them to donate their hard-earned change, but do they realize how much this could change someone's life?

I have learned so much just simply by reading a book. Books come in many different forms. One of my grandma's favorite books that you can find all over her house is indeed a cook book. My grandma loves to cook. I can't imagine Thanksgiving without grandma's famous macaroni and cheese. The recipe which she found reading through a cook book.

Are you guys catching on to this? Imagine what your life would be like if you didn't have the ability to do something that we take for granted every single day of our lives. We definitely wouldn't be able to have class online! Wouldn't be able to drive because you couldn't pass the written drivers test. There are so many things that take the ability to read that we don't notice simply because we are able to.

So the moral of the post is infact, don't yell at me when I am asking you to donate to the Literacy fund. For one, it's part of my job- we are only asking of small change donations that can forever change the lives of people in your own community!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Thank goodness it's all over now..

I am absolutely ecstatic that this semester is almost over! This is my last "full" semester at Ivy Tech, and I have found myself ready for departure! It's been a long three years at a two-year school. Yes! I did take my time declaring my major! :]

I am so happy that The Joy Luck Club is over. I hated it! Sorry Mrs. S. It just wasn't my cup of tea! I'm not into reading literature! I read more books that are grouped with my age group.

Ever since high school I have been infatuated with Nicholas Spark, Jodi Picoult and James Patterson books. I am wondering if any of you have read any of those books? Jodi Picoult has a book that I read long ago in Freshman year. It's called "The Pact". It is such a heart-wrenching book. It will take you around every emotion, I recommend if you get a chance to read it. It's not a teenager book by any means. It's a GREAT love story with an unhappy ending. Just read it! I love that story! I promise, the ten thousand pages, or so it looks at first glance, is so worth it!

James Patterson has many good books. He is most known for his mysteries, but he is also a great romantic novelist as well. Everyone should already know about "The Notebook", that's a huge hit movie. (Trust me the book is still worth the reading!) But, some others to ponder are Sundays at Tiffany's, and Sam's letters to Jennifer. Each of these stories captured my heart from the very beginning. I also like that his title doesn't really give away anything. I imagined one thing with the titles, and found the story to be completely different than what I first thought.

My all-time favorite book from Nicholas Sparks is "Message In A Bottle". Obviously. There was also a movie created later based off of the novel, but it does not do the novel as much justice as it should. The movie is good, but that book is absolutely amazing. I was turning the pages crying. He can definitely spark the emotions in you!

Oh how I wish I had the time to start reading more novels again. When the bookstore in town went out of business I went in and spent a LOT of money on books that were marked 75% down! I have lots of books to read, but just no time. Hopefully after my classes are finally over and I am done with my college career, I can get back into the old habit!

Does anyone else know of any really good books that I need to read?
If you like to read, you better read Jodi Picoult books! I am looking forward to reading "My Sister's Keeper." I haven't had the time, but I haven't seen the movie, yet, either! I don't want to kill the book and see the movie first!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

..One very busy day!

Hello everyone! Hope everyone had a good rainy day. It's a great day to go shopping! Today was the big March of Dimes walk in Lafayette. It's a great cause! My nephew was born at 25 weeks and was a very tiny 2 lb 1 oz. So, we walked in support of him. Thank goodness we did NOT get rained on. (And I ended up getting like 6 free t-shirts! Can't beat that!) It's a great time, I suggest everyone do it at least once in their life!

Still having the trouble with the Joy Luck Club. I actually did read through some more of it last night. Not much, I will admit. I was excited when I found out that the homework was not due until NEXT FRIDAY! Yay! I am having so many problems keeping the names straight and being able to pronounce them. I am giving them all "nicknames" that I would actually understand. Does anyone else do this? It becomes a game in a way- but it makes the story easier for me to understand when I don't have to spend extra time trying to figure out how to say a name from a different language!

I hope everyone is getting along with their blogs. I haven't taken the time to comment on anyone's blog yet. But, I am thinking about doing that tonight. I am curious to see how everyone else is doing and find out what everyone else is writing about and how well people are coming along with the Joy Luck Club!

Hope everyone is doing well!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Joy Luck Club

I am finding it rather hard to get into reading the Joy Luck Club. I hope that I am not the only one that is having this problem! YES MRS. SIEMENS, I have actually started reading. I was thinking that the assignments for Joy Luck Club was due tonight at Midnight- but when I got on earlier today to start reading through my assignments [because I am a huge procrastinator] and saw in bold print that the assignments are not actually due until NEXT Friday. I guess that means I have a whole week to go before I have to read through my assignments again!

I read through the first "Chapter" is it called of Joy Luck Club. I read through it early this morning and at this time at night cannot really remember the great details about what I read. I remember some weird names being read. Haha! I also remember it being sad about how the women were treated in the stories. They were walked on and they were taught that they shouldn't ever have feelings or ask questions, they were to do what they were told and that was it. I don't believe women should ever be treated that way. I am pro-woman!

I will be posting more as I am getting more and more into the reading of the stories.

Hope everyone is doing well!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Mrs. Siemens is MAKING me do this..:)

I will admit, I have kept a journal since I was very young. (Can I even say this since I am only 21?) I think it makes me feel better about life. It eases my mind if nothing else. I don't see how blogging is going to be much different than that- except for the single fact that EVERYONE in my class is going to be able to access it. (Don't worry, I won't be talking about my private life on here!)

I'm hoping the blogging experience turns into a good one. I have already shared a few concerns with Mrs. S. about this! What am I supposed to write about? I don't do my homework until Friday night- I'm a procrastinator. Can I write about that? Mrs. S. is well aware of my bad habits, but she waits up until midnight every Friday to grade my homework that comes in just short of 11:59! She loves it!

I cannot wait to read everyone else's blogs. I hope everyone else is as nervous about this as I am. Mrs. Siemens is always trying to add to my work list. One thing is for sure, she is making me earn my degree. Nothing has ever been handed to me in her class. That's what makes her a great teacher!